Mac User vs PC User [Infographic]

Are you a mac person or a person? The galactic battle between two tech giants and Apple are bigger than just hardware and software death-match. The saga also goes down to the characteristics of their users. For quite some time now, Apple users always think of themselves as cooler and more creative than PC users, whereas PC users believe that they’re somewhat superior to Mac user as far as intelligence is concern.

A recent survey conducted by Hunch, involving over 300,000 respondents tell us the underlying differences between a mac user and a pc user. This survey includes highlights interesting findings such as: fashion taste, typical food/drink, wine preference, favourite tv shows, books, etc.

Whilst the accuracy of the results might not be completely accurate, it’s still very interesting to see if one user is cooler than the other like Apple once claimed in their famous marketing campaign “Are you a Mac or a PC?” Check out this infographic below and let us know what you think!
